RWBY isn't the longest-running anime around, but over the last few years, the web series has developed quite a devoted following. Centering on a grouping of teenagers in the fictional world of Remnant who desire to become monster hunters to assist people, the stories are full of action, drama, one-act, and high stakes.

Developed by Rooster Teeth, the series is currently streaming its seventh volume and just landed as a comic book series with DC Comics. Earlier there was official comic volume fine art, however, at that place was fan art. Legions of creative fans all over the earth have been sharing their versions of artwork for the characters since the series began.

ten Glynda Goodwitch

Glynda Goodwitch Commission By Sa Dui On Deviantart

Glynda Goodwitch had such a unique look for RWBY that it's a shame she's been left behind in the serial. With her voice extra Kathleen Zeulch no longer a part of Rooster Teeth, it's unlikely producers are in a rush to find a way to bring the character back, but she lives on in fan fine art.

Sa-Dui completed this particular slice on commission for a fan of the series, and the attending to detail is astounding. For anyone who ever imagined what Glynda's abode life was similar, this vino, music, and a dandy view is a good approximation.

9 Post-Conditioning Yang

Yang Xiao Long By 27smiles On Deviantart

The globe of RWBY has an interesting aesthetic. It's role steampunk, role traditional anime, and part modern reality. The latter is what gets focused on in this image of Yang Xiao Long by artist 27Smiles.

Yang is oftentimes seen in the anime in many layers of clothing that give her plenty of protection and embrace - whether she's on her motorcycle or in the midst of a fight. Here, she's in more traditional workout gear, and information technology captures a more relaxed image of the character. A lot of fans would like to see her get a little reanimation that didn't involve her stressing out about the past.

eight Mistral

Mistral By Anonamos701 On Deviantart

Remnant is made up of a lot of very different lands. Mistral is one of those lands. Part of Anima, it got the spotlight in volumes five and six of the RWBY series.

Influenced by Eastern Asian civilization, Mistral has a pretty distinct look, captured here past artist anonamos701. The artist created a series of tourist-like images of RWBY characters visiting different areas of Remnant. Gaining inspiration from concept fine art for the series, he had Ren and Nora looking over Mistral from distant with some gorgeous details.

vii The Nuckelavee

RWBY Nuckelavee By Arvalis On Deviantart

This particular Grimm has its roots in the mythology of the northern islands of Scotland. In the real world, information technology was a horse-like demon oft blamed when crops failed to grow. For the world of RWBY, it's a fused imp and horse Grimm that piece of work together to crusade death and destruction. Ane was responsible for the destruction of Ren and Nora's home and the expiry of Ren'due south parents.

Concept artist RJ Palmer, known as arvalis on DeviantArt, is actually a special case when it comes to fan art. He was deputed to create a realistic design of a Grimm for Rooster Teeth. His suitably creepy version of the Nuckelavee concluded upwards on a tee shirt. (You lot might recognize Palmer'due south mode from his creations of realistic Pokemon.)

6 Team JNPR

JNPR By Quirkilicious On Deviantart

Each of the teams in RWBY have some interesting inspirations. In the case of JNPR, they're all inspired by mythic heroes. Jaune gets his fashion and proper name from Joan of Arc. Nora Valkyrie has Thor to thank for her affinity for lightning and a mallet. Pyrrha gets her inspiration from Greek figure Achilles. Ren has the story of Mulan.

Creative person Quirkilicious (Deviant Fine art handle for professional illustrator Drake Tsui) captures all of their fighting spirits with some seriously bright colour in this illustration. Tsui is an achieved manga illustrator and writer, and his work never fails to impress.

v Cinder Fall

Cinder Fall RWBY By Civene On Deviantart

The ability-hungry Cinder Autumn has been 1 of the most fascinating characters since RWBY began. Though she appeared to be the same historic period as the RWBY and JNPR team members, her life experience suggested otherwise. A nearly perfect spy, she's been able to get in and out of situations with minimal hardship - and of course, she'due south got the Fall Maiden powers.

Though she's been off the radar since the end of volume 6, Cinder is still out at that place in Remnant. Artist CivenE reminds united states of america how dark she is, but that powerful spark she's got with the glow in her eyes. A about photorealistic portrait of the character, it makes fans imagine what she'd look like in live-activeness instead of anime.

four Corporal Velvet

World War II RWBY Australia Velvet By Thyblake On Deviantart

Velvet Scarlatina doesn't get a ton of screen time in the series. A few brief appearances early on made her a fan favorite, just when RWBY focuses on the journey of two teams across the world that she'southward non a part of, it can be hard to include her. Even if she'southward not a huge function of the story in canon, she can exist in fanon.

Artist ThyBlake has actually reimagined the earth of RWBY in World War II, figuring out what real-world countries each of the characters would really be from. Pyrrha hails from Canada, Blake from Japan, and Velvet from Commonwealth of australia. The grapheme designs get out everyone wondering if there's an alternate universe out at that place where this is what the RWBY serial might have been.

3 RWBY Maidens: The Four Seasons

RWBY Maidens The Four Seasons By Madgamer2k7 On Deviantart

The 4 maidens have become an integral role of the RWBY mythology. Each maiden symbolizes a dissimilar season and has a huge power set, their abilities passed on to a new adult female in death. So far, the series has seen Cinder Fall and Raven Branwen every bit the autumn and spring maidens, respectively. Some fans theorize that with RWBY intent on the symmetry of four, perhaps Team RWBY is side by side in line to inherit those powers as the show goes on.

Madgamer2k7 imagines each of the squad members in those roles with Weiss Schnee as winter, Cherry Rose as jump, Yang Xiao Long as summertime, and Blake Belladonna every bit fall. While that might non be exactly how it shakes out, it does seem like at least some of these women could wind up in the roles of maidens by the fourth dimension the series ends.

two Venom Blake

Blake Belladonna Venom By Vanerchest On Deviantart

One fond pastime amongst artists is to imagine not-Curiosity characters equally those who stop upwards sharing space with the Venom symbiote. Can you imagine Blake Belladonna with Venom?

Artist vanerchest did but that with this portrait. Blake already has some impressive abilities and a semblance that allows her to literally go out her decoy cocky behind. The symbiote's near-invincible resilience would make her unstoppable. Blake might non enjoy sharing her brain with someone else though.

1 A Tribute To Monty Oum

RWBY Tribute To Monty Oum By Nijuuni On Deviantart

Along with a few friends and colleagues at Rooster Teeth, Monty Oum adult the idea of RWBY while working on the Ruby Vs. Bluish serial. Oum got the get-alee to develop RWBY during season x of the latter series. In improver to being the creator and director for RWBY, he also originally voiced Lie Ren. Unfortunately, in 2015, he died post-obit a severe allergic reaction. A lot of fans weren't sure RWBY would go along without him, and tributes poured out of fandom creators.

Artist Nijuuni created a heartfelt cheers for Oum shortly afterward his death, featuring Squad RWBY saying goodbye. Oum'southward vision gets to live on, not just in the official series, but in all the artists inspired by his work as well.

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