Does the Use of Odin Make a Blacklisted Cell Phone Useable Again

blacklisted phone

Reselling a stolen phone used to be very uncomplicated. Thieves could simply post an offer on an online resale platform and wait to exist contacted.

However, a blacklist was created a few years ago, making it much more than difficult to resell stolen phones.

And so, what is a blacklisted phone? How can you make certain that a phone isn't on the list before yous buy it?

In this article, the Recycell team answers these questions and more.

What is the blacklist for cell phones?

The National Stolen Device Blacklist is a tool that was established in Canada in 2013. The list is used to place cell phones that have been reported lost or stolen.

According to the Canadian Wireless Telecommunication Clan (CWTA), the purpose of the listing is to reduce theft and disincentivize the resale of lost and stolen devices.

When a phone is reported lost or stolen and blacklisted by a mobile service provider, it tin can no longer be activated on a Canadian, American or European network.

How the blacklist works

The device blacklist is a huge database that contains a list of all lost or stolen cell phones. The list includes IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) and ESN (Electronic Series Number) numbers that serve equally identifiers for specific devices.

With these identifiers recorded, anyone who tries to reactivate a phone that is on the blacklist will exist unable to do so because service providers will refuse to sell them a plan. Furthermore, service providers who identify a blacklisted device are likely to written report it to the government.

How to tell if a phone is blacklisted

The vast majority of cell phones have an IMEI number, an ESN or both. To check whether a device is blacklisted, you will need to find the IMEI number to access the database.

In that location are several simple means to do this:

  • Dial *#06# on your phone and the IMEI number will appear automatically on-screen.
  • If you tin, check under your telephone's battery. For iPhones, the number tin be found on the little tray that holds the SIM card.
  • If you lot still have your telephone'due south original packaging, you should be able to find the IMEI number on the label.

In one case you accept the IMEI number, become to Device Check Canada, a website created by the CWTA. Just enter your IMEI to admission the Canadian national database of lost and stolen devices.

Device Check Canada is a really useful tool for anyone considering ownership a used prison cell telephone. Past checking its status, you can make sure that yous are buying a legitimate device and avoid losing money on an unusable one.

<H2> How to remove a cell phone from the blacklist

The simply way to remove a prison cell phone from the blacklist is to contact the original carrier. Unfortunately, they are unlikely to do then without a very practiced reason. The only situation where a provider volition remove a phone from the blacklist is if they are the ones who sold information technology to y'all. In that instance, they are obliged to do everything in their ability to remove the device from the list or reimburse you for it if they cannot.

You tin too alert the law, only they don't always open an investigation for this type of situation.

If you have gotten a used smartphone that turns out to exist on the blacklist, even if yous acquired it legally, you are likely to exist left with an unusable phone.

What to do with a blacklisted phone

So, y'all've paid for a device that's impossible to connect to mobile networks. What can yous do with it?

Although basic functions similar telephone call and text won't work on a blacklisted phone, its other functions tin can still be used.

You can even so use the device to access WiFi and listen to music, watch videos, play games, etc.

Withal, well-nigh people don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a cell phone that tin can't be used for calls or texts.

The best matter to do is check the status of a used phone before yous buy information technology. This is especially important for less secure resale platforms like Kijiji. If the seller refuses to requite yous the IMEI, consider information technology a red flag.

It's important to annotation that information technology tin can take a few days for phones to appear on the blacklist. A phone that was stolen the mean solar day before may non be listed when you check it. To make sure your purchase is legitimate, information technology may exist a good thought to wait a few days before checking the status of the device.

Find great quality used cell phones at Recycell

A blacklisted phone is practically incommunicable to employ for basic functions like calling and texting. If the device is on the list, it'south because it was reported lost or stolen and it will be basically impossible to reactivate it, fifty-fifty if y'all purchased information technology legally.

Want to buy a used cell phone from a reputable seller so you lot can exist certain it won't exist on the blacklist?

Recycell buys used devices in large quantities from major companies and refurbishes them. When yous purchase a device from us, you can rest assured that information technology's not on the national blacklist.

Visit our used telephone store to find a used phone that works for yous!


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